Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And of course, Mr. Boston’s Guide for Coping with Small Children

Last week, Random House contacted me to write a book that includes ideas on parenting. I am currently considering a few ideas:

Play-Doh…The Enemy Within – In this science fiction novel, the combination of flour, salt and vegetable oil join forces to permeate every possible nook and cranny of the house of an unsuspecting couple.

Just Buy Two of Everything (or one for each kid)– For parents without the sense to have at least seven year intervals between children.

I Thought YOU Said it was Okay – Helpful answers to avoid being blamed for crayon marks on the wall.

Sorry, I Wish I Could – A list of creative (never repeating) projects to start (or continue) when you smell a dirty diaper, are detailed.

Can You Just Eat Half of Them? - Parents learn negotiation tactics from Retired SWAT Team Members.

Mo Dat – Translation of common phrases for new parents.

Why Me? I Didn’t Give Him the Carrots – In this book, Mom and Dad decide on how to divide daily tasks.