Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hope they don't have caller ID...

Yesterday I called a bunch of people to try to get them to buy advertising on the radio.

This is my first week of doing this, but I figured if I could sell (or take rejection at the rate it was likely to come) this week, the rest of my sales life would be easy.

I read a few books on sales. My favorite was, “How to sell when you’d rather throw up on your shoes.”

I practiced my sales pitch for a while before I called.

“The reason I was calling was that I, I was hoping you might want to maybe give a thought, if you have a second, to perhaps buying some advertising on the radio. If you don’t that’s okay, I’m sorry I bothered you.”

I’m only exaggerating a little.

This is the same slickness I used when (attempting) dating. I’d call and hope she would show me some mercy and let me take her to a movie and get an ice cream cone afterward. I’d hope for a goodnight kiss, but was willing to settle for her not to laugh (out loud) when I leaned in.

Some people were polite and some weren’t. Some bought and some didn’t. Today I’m going to try to talk to everyone the first time they answer the phone instead of hanging up half the time.

Or maybe I’ll start that tomorrow. Or next week.