I went to the volunteer meeting for junior achievement and they gave me my assignment…the junior high class at our local middle school.
I was there with a few other volunteers. One of them claimed not to understand what he had agreed to do. I don’t know what he thought, but he said he was terrified when the director told them he would, indeed, have to talk to them. And he carries a gun, for pete’s sake.
So, on a weekly basis, I’ll be facing 30 junior high kids. I have some experience in this age group. I taught Sunday School for a group of junior high boys for a while and I can with all confidence say that a few of them turned out well and most of them (to date) avoided jail or boys camp.
I taught them vital things (with a Biblical theme), like that the calendar was stupid (no, the world wasn’t going to end when the year 2000 came) and that you needed more than $2,000 a year to survive on your own. And that you didn’t necessarily need $100,000.
I told them I’d teach them about whatever they wanted to know. They said women.
I told them I’d have to bring in a guest speaker.