Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lincoln v. Douglas revisited...

As the debate participants began with opening statements, it was clear it would be a cerebral battle for the ages. In one chair sat Miss G, clearly the more eloquent. But would it be enough? The other chair was occupied by Mr. J, whose words were few, but remained rock-solid on point. We join the debate as it began:

Miss G: In the interests of my own particular shape of Play-Doh I wish to create, I shall have need of the object Mr. J holds. And as I want it now, I ask you, Mr. J, to give it to me.

Mr. J: No, It’s mine.

Miss G: Please Mr. J, I really need it.

Mr. J: No, It’s mine.

Miss G: Mommy said you have to share things. Please give it to me.

Mr. J: No, It’s mine.

Miss G: I’ll tell Mommy. Please give it to me.

Mr. J: No, It’s mine.

As the debate raged on, it was clear Mr. J had a strategy that was both simple and impenetrable. Miss G tried another course of dialogue.

Miss G: Mr. J, I’ll trade you this for it.

Mr. J: No, It’s mine.

And thus they continued until Miss G was reduced to tears. Mr. J stayed the course, unfazed by the tears. And while Miss G may have possibly won the debate, Mr. J won the day.