Monday, July 20, 2009

This chicken ain't from roun' eer, is he?

I heard yesterday I can get a Southern Chicken Sandwich from Applebee’s.

I am perplexed as to how a chicken can be southern. I supposed if the chickens kin are from the south and he was born in the south, he would be considered southern.

However, if the chicken moved in from out of town (and from out of the south) within the last 40 years, he’s a yankee chicken.

This means that even if he has a gun rack in his truck and a confederate flag in the windshield, he’s from up there and he can’t change it. Maybe his children’s children can change his status in the community (if everyone forgets), but for him, he’ll be hot wings or cordon bleu before he’ll be considered a good ol’ chicken.