Saturday, January 10, 2009

Intermission...I even put it on popcorn...

Dear Frank's Red Hot,

I have used your product for more than 20 years. When I lived in Paris in 1990, a friend came to visit. He asked what he should bring. I said, "Red Hot."

When I lived in the states, I drove across town instead of to my local grocer to buy your product until the local grocer wised up and stocked it.

There are at least 20 people I personally know buy your product because I told them to try it at my house. We called it "The Good Stuff."

When I lived in the Dominican Republic, I brought back Red Hot every time I returned to the island. Eventually, I found the product there in a gallon jug. I bought two of them. I put it on everything.


I'm driving across town the other day and I hear your radio commercial that has someone saying, "I put that (BLEEP) on everything!"


I've seen the same sort of thing written on bottles and ads. As in "I put that $#%^ on everything!"


Are you telling me I have to screen the bottle from my kids? When my 4-year old daughter reads the bottle...what do you want me to tell her &^%^* means?

Are you telling me this is the best you could come up with? Profanity?

I'm not threatning, I'm begging for you to change the path you are headed down...because whatever you do, I will continue to buy your product, I suppose.

But what's next...a campaign that sells your product with religious blasphemy?

Please come up with something else. And if you can't think of anything, let me know. I'll write something for you.

I love your product. And you don't need profanity to sell it.
