Friday, January 23, 2009


One of the few movies I like that my wife has actually seen and didn’t like. She doesn’t like some of the other movies I like, but most of those she hasn’t ever seen.

This rush to judgment isn’t a problem for me though. Sometimes you just know a movie will be a complete waste of your time without seeing it, such as anything with Cheech and Chong in the title or Paris Hilton in the cast. But I wish she’d watch Point Break with me just once.

When I was a kid, I had several pairs of sneakers. They were a needed thing. You wore them had to be ready because you never knew when you might have to race someone or leap to touch an awning or something. But as I reach the age when my vertical leap can no longer support any attempts to impress anyone and running just seems to make me tired, I rarely wear them.

I wear cowboy boots now or loafers. In the winter time, I wear boots. Occasionally, I wear my blue Chuck Taylors, but not because I think a pickup game might breakout on my way to the grocery store or anything.

I had a dog named Sneakers. She was a Chow-Beagle mix. I got her when I was a senior in college with no clue as to what I would do with her if I ever graduated or got a job. I failed miserably to house train her, but I did manage to train her (unintentionally) to go on my fake green I used to practice putting when it was too cold (or dark) to practice outside. But since she also would steal the balls (while still in motion) and hide under my bed to chew them whenever I tried to practice, it really didn’t make any difference.

I’d write more, but unless I write about the movie, I’m out of ideas.