Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I've always wanted to sell "no soliciting" signs door-to-door

An excerpt from the best-selling, Lies Salesmen Believe

Lie #14
When they say “no” it isn’t personal

Truth #14
You tell yourself this lie so that you can keep going, so you don’t give up. But actually, yes it is personal. The person on the end of the “no” answer doesn’t like you and hopes you drop dead. Not only that, but they think you are an idiot and a buffoon and even though they have plenty of money to spend, THEY AREN’T GOING TO SPEND IT ON SOMEONE LIKE YOU.

Lie #15
How they say “no” matters for a possible future sale.

Truth #15
This lie gives the pathetic salesman the hope that a polite “no” may turn into a yes in the future. Actually, people are either nice or nasty and it has nothing to do with the fact that they will say “no” forever. Also see Truth #16.

Lie #16
Ninety-percent of sales are made on the third visit or call by the salesman.

Truth #16
Not true. If they say “no” once, give up and never call them back. It’s a waste of time.