Holli and I went to a movie last Saturday night…which was quite an occasion since we hadn’t been to a movie since 2003 (at least).
We saw the movie about the girl who cooks all the recipes in the Julia Child classic cookbook, “How to Gain 320 Pounds in a Year.”
(actually, I think it was “Mastering the Art of French Cooking”)
Anyway, the movie went back and forth between Julia Child’s story and the girl who takes on this task, to be confusing, they called her Julie.
Normally, in a movie there are villains and plots (and the occasional sub-plot) but this movie decided to not do that. Now, there was Julia Child’s side of the story, which was her struggle to get her book printed, but since Julie was cooking from it 40 years later, we pretty much could surmise that she succeeded.
On the Julie side, she became semi-famous for her blog (which is harder than you think as being brilliant isn’t enough, trust me) as she cooked 500-some recipes in 365 days, (I would have suggested a leap year, but they didn’t ask me) at some point makes everyone mad at her and at the end, her husband is taking 570 milligrams of Lipitor daily. But she cooks all the sauces and reductions and cups and cakes and accomplishes her goal
But we knew she would finish, this was why they made the movie. If they made movies about people who set out to accomplish something and then quit, I'd be famous already.
For me, from about the middle of the movie, I was hoping the last recipe was a two-minute egg and I hoped it was coming soon as I was starving.
All of this, by the way, makes Julia Child really mad. Well, just the stuff in the movie. I don't think she cares what I think.