Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Preparing For Fatherhood Series: Anger Management

Nothing makes me seethe more than being accused of having "anger-management" issues. Who are they to decide the proper management of my anger? Do they know how angry I am? How can they know what I'd do if I weren't, at that moment, managing it so well? If someone wants to know how well I'm managing my anger, ask me what I would want to do, don't comment on the fact that I just punched a hole in the wall…

And with anger management, am I not supposed to get angry? Is anger management playing Miss Mary Sunshine all the time and always smiling even when I'm so mad I kick them in the ankle? Is that "management" or it is suppression? Keeping your feeling bottled up inside is "management"!?!?

Sounds like non-management to me.

So what is management? One definition might be taking the days events and getting ones feelings out or heard, without offending anyone beyond what their moronic behavior deserves.

So don't tell me about my anger management. MANAGE your own. And perhaps you should think about your "judiciary of others' feelings and actions management" while you are cleaning up the broken glass from the television set.

All of this makes me mad to even think about it.

Next in the series: "I don't get mad when you DON'T drink at 8:30 in the morning…can't we just call it even?"