Friday, December 14, 2007

Epilogue to the previous post...

This steroid thing just fascinates me.

Some of the best players of the last 20 years are on the list.

But also, you’ve got to figure there are a few, like Jason Grimsley (who was terrible even WITH performance enhancing drugs) who are embarrassed to be there.

And then there are some who didn’t get caught because it never occurred to anyone to ask them. They were terrible (as major league standards go) and stayed terrible. Didn’t improve, nothing. No reason for anyone to believe they’d done anything at all.

In the 70’s and 80’s drugs were bad in sports because they HURT a player’s on-field performance. People were outraged that the game was played at less than a high level because guys were high on the field. Now they ban drugs because they make you GOOD.

Well, I say, make up your mind.

I think drugs in sports are just fine. Performance enhancing drugs are alright in all areas of society now. They fix your cholesterol, your blood pressure, your mood, and your sexual organs. Why should we worry a guy is taking drugs to hit home runs?

What about Gatorade? The commercial (with Keith Jackson) says the Florida Gators IMPROVED when they drank the stuff. Even though we know it is a lie, aren’t they saying they used a performance enhancing substance?

I guess I should be worried about the kids, the ones that will be tempted to take drugs to “make it big.” Well, I’m not. Kids will take drugs, and most of them will do it for no reason at all, at least not to improve their batting average. It’s illegal (without a prescription), and that should be enough. Are we so faithless in law enforcement that we need extra rules?

If only there were performance enhancing drugs to make me a better husband and father (without any extra effort, of course)…which was the inspiration for my previous post.

Actually, my wife refuses to believe I took a performance enhancing substance. I'm not sure if that is a compliement or not...