Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Well, I think Hugo Chavez is a better golfer than Fidel Castro...

We have a newsletter here that is circulated amongst the villa owners and those just living off the fat of the land (us) in exchange for work. I have written a few articles for this publication.

One of the most informative (and unintentionally funny) features is the Q & A.

This month, a question of security not responding quickly enough to a fist-fight at the Marina was brought up.

It begins…The night of December 31 around 2:30 a.m. a fight broke out amongst well-dressed men...

It goes on to describe the fight, which had the usual punching and kicking and screaming.

Well, first of all, what are you, writer of the complaint, doing out at 2:30 in the morning? I think, at 2:30 in the morning (unless you are up with a baby) you really don’t deserve much of an explanation for anyone else’s actions. You take your chances.

The response explained that security responded as quickly as possible and that the fight was amongst Venezuelans over “differing political views.” Ok, note to self…don’t argue with Venezuelans about politics unless you want your Armani suit to have to go to the cleaners.

But, at least they were well-dressed. You wouldn’t want to gouge someone’s eye while wearing a suit off the rack.