Friday, March 7, 2008

Press Conference Transcript...

Cayenne Lemonade HQ
March 7, 2008
10:01 A.M. EST

PRESS SECRETARY: Good morning. I appreciate your attendance and will be addressing a question brought regarding turning on the feature for readers (if there are any) to be able to comment on blog postings on Cayenne Lemonade. Mr. ___________ will make a statement and there will be opportunities for questions.

CAYENNE LEMONADE: Good morning. The question of turning on the comments is a tough one, but we have elected to continue as is, without the comments turned on. We do this for the following reasons.

1. I remain anonymous as the author of this blog. While it is very likely you already know who I am, until I “go public” the comments will remain off.
2. If you wish to opine, you probably have my email address. Send me anything you like. It’s been great for getting back in touch with many of you and letting you know I haven’t changed much (unfortunately for family and people living within 50 miles of me) in the last 20 or so years.
3. I have received email responses that would not have worked as comments. Subjects such as my lack of intelligence, manliness, and poor judgment have been breached. As I do not wish to be told I am a dumbass (or gay – not that this anything wrong with that…) in front of anyone with access to the internet, I shall leave the comments off.

I’ll now be happy to take your questions. We’ll start over here in New York.

Q: You seem rather smug, and I think it would be a great way for all the readers to reply and be smug together.

CAYENNE LEMONADE: If you would all like to gather and be smug at my expense, you will have to wait for my funeral or perhaps my Friars Club Roast. I’m not sure I want a bunch of people I’ve known over the years to be able to out-smug me on my own blog.

In the back, Washington, D.C?

Q: Your blog is turning in to a LoveFest. First it's all about the family; which is great but I usually have to be drunk to express myself like that (or at least been away from them for a while). Now it's about latentman-love expressions you have thrown at random strangers!!! However, please do not tarnish my unblemished record of heterosexuality; my office IT department checks for gay blogs in our internet usage.

CAYENNE LEMONADE: We reserve the right to write about anything we want. My boyfriend didn’t have any problem with it. So there.

Last question...Dominican Republic…

Q: In response to your post of February 5. Are you really that brave?

CAYENNE LEMONADE: Again, this is why it's anonymously written. Thank you for participating. I love your comments as sent to me in private, but as far as making me a fool with my own blog…I’ll take care of that.