Thursday, January 31, 2008

With all the time I'd save...I could have a blog

Holli and I saw the General the other night after dinner. Great guy. He was getting into his SUV driven by his bodyguard. When we left, the bodyguard beeped his horn at us, no doubt at the General’s behest.

This seems useful. Someone driving for me could do lots of things so I would have the freedom to talk on the phone, eat drive thru food and work the radio.

-Friendly beeps of the horn to say hello.
-Speed up, pass and cut off people who just cut me off.
-Give the finger. And receive any fingers that may come back.
-Tap the brakes when someone is following too closely.
-Yell loudly and gesture with his right arm while looking in the rear view mirror at the idiot behind me.
-Slow down to infuriate impatient drivers behind me.
-Speed up the make sure someone doesn’t enter the road in front of me.
-Wave hello.
-Ignore hitchhikers.
-Honk at people who don’t go at the exact moment the light turns green.
-Slowly drift to the right or left to impede the progress of people who want to pass.

And finally, go to traffic court and/or pay traffic fines for me.

This might happen often.