Friday, March 6, 2009

Phone Booth

I’ve made a lot of phone calls this week to basketball coaches. Once I get them on the phone, things are fine. But finding them is like looking for Waldo. He’s there, but you got to have the good fortune to look in just the right place.

The search starts with a call to the school office.

“Good morning,” I say, “I’d like to speak to Coach __________.”

100% of the time, I get this.

“He’s not here right now.” And then silence.

First of all, I didn’t think he was RIGHT there, or he might have answered the phone. So I say:

“How can I get a hold of him?”

Answer: “Well he has classes to teach, you know.”

Well, now I can’t tell if I’m talking to a jealous school administrator or the coaches mother. As in, “No, Coach __________ can’t come out and play. He has work to do.”

Eventually, with some pleading they agree to take a message to give to him “if he stops by.” So I leave a message and hope he calls back.

For all I know, Bin Laden is a high school basketball coach.