Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ski to the Max

If you were making a skiing movie, why would you call it anything else, dude?

There is also snowboarding, but I guess Ski and Snowboard to the Max was too long for a title.

Anyway, the ski report...

Skiing in 65 degree weather was a lot like the last 15 minutes of Frosty the Snowman...you knew it wasn't going to last much longer and there wasn't anything you could do about it.

Only one of us got hurt and it wasn't me.

I found out that I-40 in Tennessee is full of idiots who don't know what the left lane is supposed to be used for.

I learned that 600 miles on Sunday and Tuesday can make you really tired, even more than skiing all day.

It's hard to ski when your peppermint schnapps is room temperature.

I'm very happy to be back home.