Monday, June 8, 2009

I traded my wedding band for a chicken...

I’m sure my knowledge of this is incomplete in some way, but that hasn’t stopped me before.

Everyone wants me to buy Gold. It’s the best investment, I’m told. It’s tangible, not like stocks or bonds, they tell me.

Well, wait a minute. First, are they going to mail me the gold if I buy it? The shipping and handling would be rather high, I think. If they don’t send it to me, it’s no more tangible that stock.

(now I know my money is in the bank and it’s not really there…but it’s closer than Ft. Knox or wherever “my” gold would be)

Second, everyone also wants me to sell them my gold chains, earrings and toothbrush. Is this so that I can buy it back from them? Or are they trying to cover the fact that they’ve also sold “my” gold to some guy from Omaha?

Third, if everyone sells their gold, wouldn’t this flood the market with gold and make my gold worth less money? It’s like printing money…it devalues it.

And fourth, people are still prospecting for gold…this would devalue “my” gold also.

I think we should go back to the barter system.