Friday, June 19, 2009

Thanks for nothing...

I’ve got a card table, two folding chairs, two water bottles (one full, one empty but I can’t find a trash can), a clipboard, the radio equipment in a suitcase, and a plaque we got for being involved in the thing I was trying to exit from in order to go to the next thing.

I decide to take my parents advice and make as few trips as possible. (This may not have been the exact wording, but it did involve “making two trips”…I can’t remember whether they were for it or against it)

I was joined on the walk by empty-handed Amos (this may not be his real name) who played twenty questions with me as I struggled with my items. About halfway, I dropped the water bottle (full). At this point I put down the card table, two folding chairs, one water bottle (empty), the clipboard and the radio equipment in a suitcase to pick up the fallen bottle of water (full).

And then I picked it all up again and continued on my with empty-handed Amos, who asked me questions the entire way.

I put the stuff in the car, said goodbye to empty-handed Amos and left.