Saturday, July 5, 2008

In my boxers with a beer for company...


I had no clue what this meant until Holli explained it to me. Fortunately, not on the toe. So I have six questions to answer via my friend Belinda at Belinda blogs sitting on her back porch amidst the cool of shade trees.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago? Alternating between suffering and regretting. Thanks for reminding me.
2. Five Items on Your To Do List Today: I plan to do nothing today (tomorrow or Sunday won’t work either…same plan) so I’ll use yesterday…1. Buy a car 2. Do a baseball game on the radio 3. Go to the park with the kids 4. Laugh out loud at least once 5. Think about exercising.
3. Snacks I enjoy: Fresh fruit and vegetables. Beef jerky. Sunflower seeds.
4. What would you do if you were a billionaire? Well, I haven’t run out of money yet and I’m not wanting for anything, so maybe I am already a billionaire. Without all the tax problems and paparazzi, of course.
5. Places you would live: Bolivar, TN. I figured out in the past five years that there is no paradise to go to. The place you need to be happy is between your ears. Everything else involves a U-Haul and that is a big pain. Don’t worry…I’m not saying I have this solved. I’m still insane, insecure and indelible (had to keep with the “I” theme…this is about me, after all).
6. Bloggers I am tagging.:I don’t know if there is a curse associated with not tagging anyone (like not sending on a chain letter – which I never have – draw your own conclusions as to the results of these decisions) but “all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight” (real country music lyric of the day) so I don’t have time to tag anyone…