Monday, July 21, 2008

A letter to the guy that was me back in 2000...

Dear Me,

I’m writing you from the future to explain something very important.

First of all, you will live to see wireless internet (yeah, no wires) and something calling blogging. You'll have a TV that will allow you to record what you are watching while you are watching it and then go back while you are still watching it live...and then back again.

Buy a Wii as soon as you can. I know, it's a game system, but you won't believe it.

But here is really why I am writing you:

Marry that blonde girl you met at church last week. She's as wonderful as you think she is right now. Yeah, she will drag you down the path to parenthood (kicking and screaming), but go. It is every bit the pain in the ass that you’ve ever thought it would be, but it will be worth it.

You’ll get up every morning around 6:30 hearing the words, “Daddy” over and over again until you go get them. The girl will be ready to go, but the boy will be grumpy for a few minutes. Try to deal with both of these traits at the same time.

You have no idea why, but I have to pause at this point to do the Real County Music lyric of the day. Note: You might want to listen to Country every once in a while…it will come in handy…trust me.
I pulled in this country kitchen
To try their brand of barbecue
The sign said finger-lickin'
Well I paid the tab and the lady asked me
How'd I like my biscuit
I'll be honest with you ma'am
It ain't like mama fixed it

You’ll never take a nap in the middle of the day again. You’ll never go to the bathroom without the fear of a barging-in. Forget using the computer while they are awake.

Things won’t be the same. And that will be a good thing.

So do something smart for once (and for much more than just the kids)...marry that girl.
